Java Script Coming Up "Fonts" Windows
Finally, Indonesia can boast one of its culture. That letter Java or Java script. This is because the Java script will soon enter the next Windows font.
Observer script and the Java language, Ki Demat Sokowetan, asserted that the Java script will soon be a "font" in the "windows" on the computer made by Microsoft.
" UNESCO telah membantu kami untuk mendaftarkan aksara Jawa masuk `font` komputer kepada Unicode," he told Reuters on the sidelines of Javanese Language Congress (KBJ) to-5 in Surabaya on Thursday.
On the sidelines of KBJ-5 followed by 600's of participants in Surabaya (27-30/11), he was grateful to Unicode as the official agency authorized to make the standard code on computer systems around the world, have recognized the Javanese script into the "fonts "computer.
" Sekarang, kami tinggal menunggu realisasinya dan Microsoft sudah berjanji akan memasukkan dalam windows versi terbaru. Kalau sekarang windows7, ya mungkin nanti windows8 atau versi terbaru sudah ada," he said.
According to him, UNESCO keen to help because the world considers Javanese script is needed to be rescued in order not to become extinct, because registration is a "font" is expected to be able to guarantee it.
" Saya belum tahu kapan dimulainya, karena hal itu tergantung Microsoft, tapi informasinya sekitar dua tahun lagi. Kalau Microsoft sudah, tentu Apple akan mengikuti," he explained.
As a software developer, Microsoft and Apple are also very concerned with the Javanese script, because Indonesia is a dynamic computer market.
" Bahkan, pengembang seluler juga sudah setahun lalu menghubungi saya, karena saya sudah menciptakan `software` Bahasa dan Aksara Jawa sebagai aplikasi Unicode yang sangat mudah dipelajari siapa saja," he said.
He said anyone who uses "software" hers will be able to write Java language appropriately and correctly, as long as he can use the program "Ms Word", because staying on the application font "Ajisaka".
" Tapi, saya belum dapat memenuhi keinginan pengembang seluler itu secepatnya, karena saya masih menunggu aplikasi Microsoft dan juga peluncuran software itu," he explains.
Until now, he said, many foreign researchers friends ready to help launch "Java software" that in his country. " Saya masih berharap peluncuran software Jawa itu ya di Jawa, saya menunggu respons pihak berwenang dulu," he said.
Now it is time the nation's next, younger generation also help to preserve the national culture. Do not just underestimate “Ibu Pertiwi”. With the generation of water-loving land would make “Bumi Pertiwi” become a developed nation and large.
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