1 Million Dollar Prize If You Dare Kill These People
Novelist Salman Rushdie's famous with his book "Satanic Verses" or in English "The Satanic Verses", soon fled to England after his much criticism among the Muslims because it is considered highly insulting Muslims. Even for those of you who can kill this salman is a big gift for you.
February 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini's death sentence on Salman Rushdie. Salman's novel, Satanic Verses, Khomeini considered blasphemous to Islam. An Iranian businessman and then provides a number of prizes for those who can kill the novelist from India.
The Satanic Verses is the fourth novel by Salman Rushdie, which was first published in 1988, and partly inspired by the life story of Prophet Muhammad. The title refers to what would-agan agan known as the verses Satan. In this novel, the main character named Mahound (which most likely refers to the Prophet Muhammad) is told in flashback parallel with the two other main character Gibreel and Saladin Chamcha Farishta. In the United Kingdom, this novel is well received by critics, and a Booker Prize finalist in 1988, although defeated by Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey won the Whitbread Award 1988 for best novel that year. But in the Muslim community, this novel produces tremendous controversy.
A fatwa issued against author by Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. 1 million dollar prize has been presented to anyone who killed Rushdie and 3 million dollars if the killer was Iranian. Other countries soon joined the fray this. Venezuela threatens to ban the book and 15 months in prison to anyone who read it. While in Japan, a translator who was involved with the book was stabbed to death this book should not be circulated in India, and many were burned at demonstrations in the United Kingdom. This novel also menyulutkan riots in Pakistan in 1989.
Source : beritahebohterkini
February 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini's death sentence on Salman Rushdie. Salman's novel, Satanic Verses, Khomeini considered blasphemous to Islam. An Iranian businessman and then provides a number of prizes for those who can kill the novelist from India.
The Satanic Verses is the fourth novel by Salman Rushdie, which was first published in 1988, and partly inspired by the life story of Prophet Muhammad. The title refers to what would-agan agan known as the verses Satan. In this novel, the main character named Mahound (which most likely refers to the Prophet Muhammad) is told in flashback parallel with the two other main character Gibreel and Saladin Chamcha Farishta. In the United Kingdom, this novel is well received by critics, and a Booker Prize finalist in 1988, although defeated by Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey won the Whitbread Award 1988 for best novel that year. But in the Muslim community, this novel produces tremendous controversy.
A fatwa issued against author by Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. 1 million dollar prize has been presented to anyone who killed Rushdie and 3 million dollars if the killer was Iranian. Other countries soon joined the fray this. Venezuela threatens to ban the book and 15 months in prison to anyone who read it. While in Japan, a translator who was involved with the book was stabbed to death this book should not be circulated in India, and many were burned at demonstrations in the United Kingdom. This novel also menyulutkan riots in Pakistan in 1989.
Source : beritahebohterkini
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